Now showing items 1-10 of 127
Exploring academic writing at the master’s level: Perceptions of graduate students and professors
This qualitative study explores academic writing (AW) at the master’s level focusing on the perceptions of graduate students and professors. A grounded theory approach was used with the purpose of developing a base that ...
Style for Puerto Rican high school students: A teaching unit focusing on informal style and slang
The overarching objectives of this thesis were 1) to provide Puerto Rican English teachers with materials through which they can introduce style, particularly informal style with a focus on slang, and 2) to expose Puerto ...
“It was all a matter of hints and shades”: Reconceptualizing Virginia Woolf’s Flush
This thesis aims to reconceptualize Virginia Woolf’s 1933 novel Flush: A Biography. The novel has been largely ignored by the intelligentsia due to its subject matter: a dog. Although various critics have attempted ...
Agriculture students’ language needs in general education courses: A case study
This study was designed to explore the language needs of Spanish speaking Agriculture Students in general education courses at the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez (UPRM). The participants were 17 students who were chosen ...
Fearful narrator: A look at problems of reliability in the storytelling within Moby Dick and At The Mountains of Madness upon the emergence of the supernatural
This thesis explores the elements of fear and the supernatural as seen through the lens of narrative and psychoanalytical theory focusing on the novels Herman Melville’s Moby Dick and Howard Philips Lovecraft’s At The ...
The American dream: Disillusionment in selected works of Ana Castillo, Judith Ortiz Cofer, and Virgil Suarez
The concept of the American Dream exerts enormous influence on American life. The promises of wealth and success of the American Dream are powerfully appealing. This thesis presents a critical analysis of representations ...
Assessing student perspectives on pedagogical translanguaging: A case study of a Puerto Rican university classroom
This thesis details the results of a study into the translanguaging habits of students in an
upper-level psychology classroom at the University of Puerto Rico in Mayaguez. It seeks to add
to a relatively limited knowledge ...
Facing her fears: Analyzing monsters in the early Female Gothic
This thesis focuses on the representation of the monstrous in Female Gothic literature of the late 18th Century and early 19th Century. The focus of this research is on three novels: The Italian by Ann Radcliffe, Zofloya ...
Using memoirs and technology to develop reading and writing skills for twelfth grade English students
This case study investigates why high school students use technology and how much access they have to it in different settings; it also investigates what reading and writing skills are particularly challenging for them. ...
Kindergarten English teaching through the arts (ketta): curriculum development
The teaching of English as a Second Language (ESL) in the Kindergarten classroom in Puerto Rico public schools has been a controversial topic to most boricuas (term used to name the native Puerto Rican) for over fifteen ...