Now showing items 1-10 of 27
Thermomechanometric study of AI-Cu-B composites reinforced with diboride particles
Al-Cu composites reinforced with diboride particles were fabricated by gravity casting. A thermomechanical analysis (TMA) system allowed studying hardness and creep behavior of the composites. The composite hardness was ...
Tortuosity index based on dynamic mechanical properties of polyimide foam for aerospace application
The aerospace industry has focused on the development of high performance polyimide foams because these materials are known for their thermal and acoustic insulation properties. Tortuosity is defined as a parameter that ...
Fabrication and characterization of porous aluminum and zinc via selective dissolution of AI-Zn alloys
Chemical dealloying can be used to fabricate porous metals by removing one or more of the species out of an alloy. Generally, a corrosive electrolyte is used to selectively dissolve a noble element. Alloy concentration, ...
AFM studies on fractured surfaces of AF1410 steel and A7075-T6 aluminum alloy
In the present research, atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to characterize fracture surfaces of the AF1410, ultra-high strength steel, and a high strength AA7075-T6 aluminum alloy. Both materials are used by the U.S. ...
Fabrication and characterization of chitin-carbon nanotubes composites
Most polymers by themselves have limitations due to their poor mechanical, thermal and
electrical properties compared with metallic and ceramic materials. Therefore, to expand
their range of applications these properties ...
Fabrication and characterization of sintered recycled glass designed for polluted soil filtering
Soil pollution generates diseases, hunger, and agricultural problems. Porous recycled glass beds were produced to study the feasibility of using them for polluted soil filtering. This research discusses structural and ...
Characterization of squeeze-cast AIB12/AI and AIB2/AI composites
Aluminum alloys containing 2 and 4 wt.% copper reinforced with aluminum borides were successfully fabricated by squeeze casting employing squeezing pressures up to 62 MPa. The distribution of reinforcements in the composites ...
Efectos de la deformación mecánica sobre compuestos de matriz de aluminio tratados térmicamente
A novel aluminum matrix composite reinforced with ceramic particles of AlB2 obtained
through a cast process at temperatures below 800°C using commercial alloys of
aluminum-boron (5 wt%. B) and aluminum-copper (33.2 wt%. ...
An experimental study of aluminum boride particles distribution in centrifugally cast AI/AIBx composites
In this research, centrifugal casting has been used to investigate the influence of casting parameters and chemical composition on the manufacturing of functionally graded Al-2 wt. %B-6 wt. %Mg and Al-2 wt. %B-6 wt. %Cu ...
Study of wire fabrication of aluminum treated with diboride particles
The present thesis focuses on the fabrication of aluminum wires by adding XB2 nanoparticles into an aluminum matrix, where X is a transition metal: Nb, Mg and Zr.
The incorporation of aluminum in the XB2 particles is ...