Now showing items 1-10 of 24
Semi-supervised document classification using ontologies
Many modern applications of automatic document classification require learning accurately with little training data. Addressing the need to reduce the manual labeling process, the semi-supervised classification technique ...
Clasificación noparamétrica en datos direccionales
In a supervised classification problem, when the vectors of data are direction- al, it means, that they take values on a k-dimensional sphere, the application of the algorithms of pattern recognition as k-nearest-neighbour ...
Clasificadores por redes bayesianas
A Bayesian network is a compact representation of joint probability function. Formally, a Bayesian network is an acyclic directed graph in which each node represents a random variable and the relationships of dependence ...
Análisis no paramético para la predicción de datos funcionales
Los datos de alta dimensión y funcionales están ganando importancia en problemas de predicción debido a los avances técnicos que permiten su captura y tratamiento. Este tipo de datos aparecen frecuentemente en la Medicina ...
Estimación de densidades multivariadas en flujo de datos usando mezclas adaptativas de componentes gaussianas
In the current world of science and technology the data arrive continuously over time, this type of data is called data stream and is impractical to store all of the data. The data mining and traditional techniques of ...
Algorithms for non-parametric classifiers in multi-relational data mining
Over the last decades, due to the advances in information technologies, both the industrial and scientific communities have acquired large volumes of data in digital form. Most of these data sets are stored using relational ...
Generalizaciones de minimos cuadrados parciales con aplicación en clasificacion supervisada
The development of technologies such as microarrays has generated a large amount of data. The main characteristic of this kind of data it is the large number of predictors (genes) and few observations (experiments). Thus, ...
Comparación de algoritmos para clustering de "streams" de series de tiempo
In recent years, technological advances have resulted in a huge increment in data production as in the evolution of methods that facilitated its collection. The data that arrive continuously and massively with infinite ...
A comparison in cluster validation techniques
Clustering may be defined as a process that aims to find partitions of similar objects. It is an unsupervised recognition procedure since there are no predefined classes that indicate grouping properties in the data set. ...
Efecto de casos anómalos en máquinas de vectores de soporte
Support Vector Machines (SVM) is a new technique of classification that has received much attention in recent years. In many applications, the SVM has shown better performance than machine learning methods, and it has been ...